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Core Values

The Three Pillars


We understand that there are many confounding variables and external factors that are beyond our control. These can sometimes affect our lifestyle, our choices and ultimately our dedication to the training regime set out for us. Patience is indeed a virtue when it comes to progress in fitness and towards better health. Sometimes, things just don’t go the way we planned and that’s okay, as long as we know what happened and how to improve – that’s what really matters. “Bounceabackability” – the ability to bounce back up after failure.



If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. There is always an easy way out and a way to cheat the system but is it really worth it if at the end of the day, we are just depriving ourselves from achieving long-term fulfilling results? Hard work and determination are the common factors among elite athletes and as Ericson (1993) states, it takes 10,000 hours to make a top-class performer in his sport.



That ‘never say die’ attitude, the ability to keep on pushing despite the difficulties, that is what really will push us towards achieving excellence and will turn any dreams into reality. “Diamonds are coals made under pressure”, that pressure is the defining factor that differentiates your consistent effort and progress from others.

Core Values: Services
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